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An Exploratory Day of Learning

An Exploratory Day of Learning

Five Hours Together! Four hours for learning, half-hour for lunch, half-hour debriefing at the close of our day together.

Together we'll spend the day exploring and learning about a topic (or topics)  of your choice such as:

How to make your own tinctures from harvest to preparation, storage and use
Identifying local, wild plants + keeping an herbalism reference journal
Creating and choosing wisely the herbs and remedies for your home medicine chest
Learning about Ayurveda and your Dosha (personal constitution)
Foraging + Ethical wild-crafting (you'll bring home some of your own foraged materials!)
Exploring yoga, breathwork, and mantra as Therapy
Yoga For Depression and Anxiety (Weintraub & Kundalini Yoga Methods)
Making natural/wild pigments from local plants and materials
Nature-inspired painting and art as a spiritual, healing, self-care practice
Learning the basics of creating your own Ayurvedic cleanse
Vedic Astrology and your own astrological chart
Inspiring a unique daily and seasonal routine including Ayurvedic nutrition
Or...something else you're curious about (provided it's within my professional scope).

These day-long learning experiences have been some of the most fun, meaningful work I've done in 20 years of private practice. I'm always thrilled when someone signs up with the courage in their heart to try something new! Please know that you're welcome just as you are - with no prior experience necessary in any of the topics you're interested in.

Once you've signed up, we'll set the date and draft with details on what will be learned - leaving room, of course, for spontaneous moments of learning! We typically begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. for these Day-Longs. However, if you have a genuine need to adjust the timing, I will do my best to work with a schedule that suits you.

As we prepare, I will ask you to write a "mission statement" for what it is you'd like to explore/learn, what you hope to get out of the time together. And I will also ask that you choose/define preferably one but AT MOST two topics to explore during our five hours together. We're aiming for quality education and an experience that will inspire your knowledge on a deep level. I will send you a list of materials to bring with you based on what you'll be learning about. But...DO bring a bag lunch and water/tea/beverages of your choice. These Day-Long learning experiences are priced for one person. If you're interested in having others join you for the day, please inquire about a price that would include a discount for each person attending.

*Please note: You're welcome to record/tape our time together (for personal use only, please - do ask permission prior to sharing in your own newsletter or on social media platforms).

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