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Nine Week Evolutionary Ayurveda Mentorship For Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing

Nine Week Evolutionary Ayurveda Mentorship For Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing

Ayurveda holds the keys to living and loving and dying, to change and transition, to our Soul's evolution. And yet, many times this ancient science can seem layered in mystery or daunting to deeply understand which can be - on its surface - confusing and hard to apply to daily life.

It doesn't have to be this way :)

Each and every day, we experience Ayurveda through our normal, routine activities, through our approach to nourishment and rest, through the weather, through symbols and synchronicities. We experience it through our personal challenges and losses, through our newfound passions and partnerships. We experience Ayurveda internally through emotions of grief, anger, sadness, confusion. We also experience it through all of humanity and the Earth's evolution itself.

In this 9-week Mentorship learning/unlearning program, you'll have the opportunity to look at the personal and planetary importance of Ayurveda. You'll understand what it means to be human now - as opposed to 100 years ago and in comparison, to what it will look/feel like to be human in 100 years ahead in time. We'll together look at the mental health issues of our time and what Ayurveda has to contribute to this field. Why is this important? Because now is now - and that's a middle ground between the past and the future - that's the place Ayurveda finds balance in. Between opposites.

Each week we will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6-8 p.m. as a group (this will be recorded for all participants for further study and/or if you cannot be present). You will be offered assignments to ponder, to engage in, if you wish. Week 5 will be a week to take off, to rest your mind, and to let the concepts we've talked about this far to integrate. We will not have a group meeting or individual meeting this week.

Each week, each participant will meet privately with me (Siri) online/via phone for one hour to discuss their own personal experiences, discuss thoughts, clarify questions and move more deeply into their own felt experience of the concepts we talk about on each given week. If you're gone or on vacation (it is summertime afterall!) that's completely fine; we'll skip a week for a private session when it's necessary for you.

Here's an outline for our eight weeks together:

Week 1: Introduction to Evolutionary Ayurveda

  • Overview of Evolutionary Ayurveda: blending ancient wisdom with modern insights.
  • Understanding the interconnectedness of human health, ecology, and evolution.
  • Introduction to key concepts and principles, including Doshas, Dhatus, Agni, Ama, and Swastha.
  • Discussion on the relevance of Evolutionary Ayurveda in addressing contemporary health challenges.

Week 2: Foundations of Ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)

  • Review of fundamental Ayurvedic principles and practices.
  • Introduction to Jyotish (Vedic astrology) and its relationship with Ayurveda.
  • Understanding the role of planetary influences (Grahas) on individual health and well-being.
  • Exploring the concept of Prakriti (individual constitution) and its correlation with astrological factors.

Week 3: Dosha Analysis and Jyotish

  • Deep dive into Dosha analysis using both Ayurvedic and Jyotish frameworks.
  • Identifying Dosha imbalances and planetary influences in individual charts.
  • Practical exercises: conducting Dosha assessments and interpreting Jyotish charts for health insights.
  • Case studies: applying Dosha analysis and Jyotish principles to real-life scenarios.

Week 4: Diet and Lifestyle in Evolutionary Ayurveda

  • Evolutionary perspective on diet, nutrition, and lifestyle practices.
  • Seasonal eating, local food sourcing, and mindful eating habits.
  • Integrating Ayurvedic dietary guidelines with Jyotish recommendations.
  • Practical tips for aligning diet and lifestyle choices with individual constitution and astrological influences.


Week 6: Delving in to Mental Health and Wellbeing through Evolutionary Ayurveda

  • Exploring Ayurvedic treatment modalities for mental health issues.
  • Introduction to herbal medicine, dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and daily routines.
  • Understanding the importance of individualized treatment plans based on Dosha imbalances.
  • Practical applications: creating personalized wellness plans for mental health support.

Week 7: Yoga, Meditation, and Mental Well-being

  • Overview of yoga and meditation practices for mental health and emotional balance.
  • Understanding how yoga and meditation influence the Doshas and promote mental well-being.
  • Guided meditation sessions focusing on stress reduction, anxiety management, and mood enhancement.
  • Incorporating yoga asanas, pranayama, and mindfulness practices into daily routines.

Week 8: Mindfulness and Ayurvedic Psychology

  • Introduction to Ayurvedic psychology and its understanding of the mind.
  • Exploring concepts such as Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas and their impact on mental health.
  • Practical techniques for cultivating mindfulness, self-awareness, and emotional resilience.
  • Case studies: applying Ayurvedic psychology principles in mental health counseling and therapy.

Week 9: Professional Development and Application

  • Review of key concepts, principles, and practices covered in the course.
  • Reflection and integration: synthesizing learning from Ayurveda, Jyotish, and modern applications.
  • Developing personalized treatment plans and wellness protocols for clients.
  • Strategies for building a successful practice: ethical considerations, marketing, and ongoing professional development.

Cost/Investment for this Mentorship: $895. You can pay all at once or pay over time with the PayPal buy now, pay later option. 

This group learning experience is limited to five individuals. Please contact me if you're interested as spots will fill up.

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